You are Odo. You are stern, cool, and hard to talk to. You can blend in anywhere, but fit in nowhere. Your devotion is unquestioned.
Irgendwie passt Odo sogar zu mir. ^^;
Girl Anachronism - Montag, 27. Juli 2009, 13:01

Gul Dukat is your DS9 sweetie-pie!
Former Prefect of Bajor with his HQ at Terok Nor, Dukat is a powerful member of the Cardassian political and military establishment. He's sharp, sly, ambitious - but claims he's misunderstood. Either way, he's definitely got that "baddies are sexy" thing going on for him ... especially powerful and tormented baddies.
*gnihihi* Fangirlmoment
Girl Anachronism - Montag, 27. Juli 2009, 12:49